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Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

Summer 2015

and then the _____ came from around the corner!

2015, 2nd Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, FinlandArlene TuckerComment

In these wonderful comics by the 2nd graders at Arivu School I see a world of surprises, witty humor and friendship! The art of visual storytelling shows so much about the creative artists in Mysore, India. I am sure they loved reading the comics from their friends in Espoo, Finland and I KNOW that the Monkeys at Your School can't wait to receive these comics!

Thank you Samanvitha Rao for being such an inspiring and great Dear You Workshop Leader!

I know what I'll be doing this summer...

6th Grade, 7th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, IndiaArlene TuckerComment

Reading the great comics the 6th and 7th graders at Arivu School in Mysore, Indian have made for their friends in Estonia! The comics are full of adventure, humor, and tell so much about the artists' life and personality. I'm loving them!  Thank you to Anand Sampan, Samanvitha Rao, Heidi Ruokoniemi, and Pramod Stephen for creating a safe place for children to creatively express themselves!