K1 had a great time making inventions today. One of our artists had made a car at home and so we started our session by thinking of all the possible things this invention could be. We realised that the same thing can be something different for somebody else. It all depends on how we look at things!
K made this car out of an old box him and his parents got at the supermarket. This car comes with breaks and a stick shift!
We then thought about all the vehicles existing in the world that gave us inspiration for our own inventions! Once our imagination started revving, we came up with all sorts of inventions using geometric shapes.
M made a water scooter that can float on the water
AN made a helicopter
AA made a racing car that goes super fast
F made an airplane with a happy face
DSHA made an airplane/helicopter that flies up into the sky
KAY made a robot doggy
KAU made a boat that you can push use the black oars
DSRI made a broker car that is from Chenai
W made an airplane that has lights
J made an airplane boat
N made a man that can talk and eat
R made a surprise train that goes choo choo and it makes everything loud
S made a Monster Flying Man that can eat snack, animal, and everything. Even glass, but not dust bins!
Whoa, the creativity is just getting wild.
K1, a group of 4 year old artists, from International School of Helsinki in Finland are making and exchanging art with the Tigers, a group of 4 year olds, from Just Kids School in Hanoi, Vietnam.