Here are some pictures of the process of the last project. The voice memos below relate to the weaving art works that Alethea and Sigi had made.
Out of all the artworks received by Sigi and Alethea, Ella chose the artworks of project 2. She was fascinated by the way how the girls had written the words using such beautiful and decorative fonts. Ella was reflecting on the way that the girls had written their names -how the form of writing tells a story about the beauty of the writer. We discussed, how the physical and mental state of the writer affects the print or spoken words and what kind of impact the form of writing or spoken words can have. The same words can be said and heard in so many different ways.
“The form of writing reflects the beauty of its writer.
Kirjoitusmuoto hejastaa kirjoittajansa kauneutta.”
Anna-Sofia chose to reflect more closely on the weaving artworks of both girls. She loved the vibrant colours and all the little details of them. She strongly felt that the colours and details of the artworks reflect the colours and joy of life. Looking at the weaving artworks more closely, we realised how, in fact, both of them have quite a bit of black in them. However, when looking at the whole picture, both artworks make a bright and colourful if in real life; the ”dark moments” enhance the ”bright moments” and make the life richer.
“I think that the weaving work was very nice because it displayed a full array of colours and it had a pleasant happy feeling. The work was also detailed and beautiful, it was a true work of art.”
“The uniqueness of these pieces of art reflect the colours and joy of life.”
“Näiden taideteosten ainutlaatuisuus heijastaa värejä ja elämän iloa.”
Elisa and the girls
Ella (8 years old) and Anna-Sofia (10 years old) live in Helsinki, Finland. They are making and sharing art with Alethea (8 years old) and Sigi (7 years old) who live in Fordham, UK. Their friendship started in July 2020.
Ella and Anna-Sofia, two sisters living in Espoo, Finland have started making and sharing art with their new friends in the UK. Their mother, Elisa, has recounted their process as they begin their process of understanding themselves and each other through art practise.