Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

Dear You in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement

2020, USA, Together 2020, PeaceArlene TuckerComment
Finland in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in Helsinki on June 3, 2020.

Finland in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in Helsinki on June 3, 2020.

The continuous murders, racism, and discrimination happening in the United States and worldwide needs to stop immediately. Educate oneself, discuss amongst friends and family, ask questions, listen and most of all take action. Use all the languages you speak and ways of communicating for justice to prevail. We will not rest until all voices are heard, acknowledged and treated equally with respect. We are in this together!

Take action now.

Comprehensive list of resources for children:

Anti-racism resources

Opportunities for white people in the fight for racial justice

75 things white people can do for racial justice

Note to self: white people taking part in #BlackLivesMatter protests 

Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons  / The Ally + Accomplice Meditation for Cultivating an Anti-Racist Mindset 

The Opportunity Agenda / We Stand With You, #JusticeOutLoud  

Racial equity tools