Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

Dear You inspiring stories

11 years old, 12 years old, 13 year olds, 2021, Dear You Art Workshops, IcelandArlene TuckerComment

In this last stage of the creative process, the kids were invited to place their voices.

In the case of the 4th grade group, they have chosen to narrate about the environmentally friendly cities that they have built. An invitation to take care of our planet can be heard in 3 short videos.

In the case of the 5.6.7 grade group, they have chosen to do 3 short and cute plays to share with the kids from Ukraine.

In the last Zoom meeting between Iceland and Ukraine, the kids from 5.6.7 grade performed their plays in Icelandic with intervals of translation into English, and a girl from Ukraine had the wonderful idea of ​​translating into Russian. Thus, listening to different languages ​​has been enjoyed and translation has been a bridge for understanding.

After the brief plays and translations, a girl from Ukraine has put her voice in a song and then we have been invited to add voices.

The kids from both countries have shared what they found most enjoyable and most difficult about the DEAR YOU process: Most commented that it has been difficult to find how to do it, some commented that it was nice to see the work of others, some commented that they enjoyed sharing about their countries.

The final sensation has been one of intercultural enjoyment.

Tessa Rivarola

The 11-13 year old young artists from Grand Expo Online School in Ukraine are making and sharing art with six students between 10 and 12 years old and the eight 9 years old from Seyðisfjarðarskóli in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland.