Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project

Rebecca Burger

The Universe and beyond!

2017, 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old, Dear You Art Workshops, Iceland, South Africa, SingaporeArlene TuckerComment

Dear Art Friends,

We at Oakdale Montessori really enjoyed this project as it touched on a part of our curriculum. With our theme being the Universe. We’ve been learning about all the planets and we were able to zoom in to show the children that there is more than just one continent that they live on, on the planet earth.

We showed them that the earth is round with our Continent Globe and showed them how to read it as a map on a 2D surface.

With this we showed the children that the only way to get to our “Dear Art” friends is by an airplane or by ship and that is how we will be sending our art.

The children pointed out where we lived and then where their friends are.

Hope you enjoy our art as much as we enjoyed making it.

With love from
Oakdale Montessori

The 3-6 year old artists at Oakdale Montessori School in Cape Town, South Africa are making and sharing art with the 3-4 year old artists from EtonHouse Bilingual Pre-school in Singapore and the 1st and 2nd graders from Grunnskóli Fjallabyggðar in Siglufjörður, Iceland.

Listening to who is there

2017, 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old, Dear You Art Workshops, Iceland, Pre-School, Singapore, South AfricaArlene TuckerComment

We introduced this theme in a very special way. The class sat in a big circle and closed their eyes. The played the Montessori “Silence Game” which is a calming, meditation like game which allows the child to use their senses like hearing. Once they closed their eyes, I asked them to tell me what they can hear.

- The trees in the wind
- The birds chirping
- The doorbell ringing

We got the children to paint, colour in and stick paper to make 3 sounds that they heard.

Enjoy our art project! 

Oakdale Montessori 3-6 years class

The 3-6 year old artists at Oakdale Montessori School in Cape Town, South Africa are making and sharing art with the 3-4 year old artists from EtonHouse Bilingual Pre-school in Singapore and the 1st and 2nd graders from Grunnskóli Fjallabyggðar in Siglufjörður, Iceland.

Fresh air makes for a creative environment!

2016, Dear You Art Workshops, Mexico, Pre-School, South AfricaArlene TuckerComment

Dear Friends,

After enjoying the creation, fresh air, the wonderful sun and lovely coloured grass, we sat in a circle and imagined our favourite character. We talked about where our character lives, the surroundings and the colours in the environment. The children then used their pencils and created the different colours and patterns on the spirals.

We hope you enjoy our Art from the Early Childhood class at Oakdale Montessori!

The 4 to 6 year olds in the Early Childhood Class from Oakdale Preschool in Cape Town, South Africa are making and sharing art with Kinder C classes from Colegio San Patricio in Monterrey, Mexico.

From Circle Time to Colour Time

2016, 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old, Dear You Art Workshops, Mexico, South AfricaArlene TuckerComment

The Toddlers at Oakdale Montessori followed with the lights, camera, action theme. We asked the Toddlers to colour in 2 shapes ad Triangle and a Square with this project. As the theme was about inside of a house. We decided to make houses and decorate the outsides. The Toddlers coloured in with wax crayons and the painted the square for the house and the triangle for the roof. As the Toddlers are so small we did as staff help them with the windows and the smoke.

The Early Childhood class gathered together during Circle time and spoke to them about how we received Elma the Elephant and this time we will be sending back art in a shape. The children chose a square to work with. I think that fun was had by all watching the colours come up through the paint work.

Thanks so much!


The Toddler and Pre-school groups from Oakdale Montessori Preschool in Cape Town, South Africa are making and sharing art with Nursery C and Kinder C classes from Colegio San Patricio in Monterrey, Mexico.