During this pathfinder the children really enjoyed gathering lots of different items from outdoors to show our friends Toucans lovely land.
4 years old
2023, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old, Czech RepublicCommentThere is a volcano on Jeju island!
2023, 4 years old, 5 years old, Czech Republic, KoreaCommentOwls' Curiosity and Questions
4 years old, 5 years old, Czech Republic, Dear You Art Workshops, Little MoleCommentToucans' Pieces of me
2023, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old, Czech Republic, KoreaCommentChildren were asked to close their eyes and think about some questions like. Who are you? What makes you different from everyone else? What makes you unique? What do you like? What makes you smile? What can you do? How do you feel about yourself? How do you look like? And then they used this reflective moment to make a drawing to show who they are.
Owls' Pieces of Me
2023, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old, Czech Republic, Dear You Art Workshops, KoreaCommentThe pathfinder was started by asking children to think of ways to share who they are with their new friends in Jeju Island. They thought of sending them postcards with drawings so we then introduced the concept of a collage. We showed some examples of different collages and provided them with several magazines, scrap paper with patterns, colors and old newspapers.
Creating a positive ripple effect
2022, 4 years old, 5 years old, Czech Republic, IcelandCommentThe artistic translation process continues!
2021, 4 years old, Czech Republic, IcelandCommentThe Owls train their ears and warm up their listening skills
4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old, Czech Republic, Dear You Art Workshops, IcelandCommentThe Owls here in Little Mole preschool were thrilled to hear we had some messages from our Icelandic friends. They were eager to listen to all the messages but when they learned that the messages were in an unknown language we decided to train our ears and warm up our listening skills first. We opened our ears to listen and try to identify all the sounds around, we also listened to different types of music in different languages.
Who are you?
2021, 4 years old, IcelandCommentI opened the first session connecting our group with yours by comparing the name of our respective kindergartens: Sólvellir for us, which means "sun", and The Little Mole for you. I said maybe your kindergarten is called that way after the famous Czech cartoon character, and I asked them what national character or cartoon we have here in Iceland, and as expected they thought of "Tulipop".
Dear You connects with Japanese speaking families around the world!
10 years old, 11 years old, 13 year olds, 2021, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old, 7 years old, 8 years old, 9 years old, Dear You Art Workshops, InternationalCommentDo you have Jellyfish in Ireland?
2019, 3 years old, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old, 7 years old, 8 years olds, 9 years old, 10 years old, 11 years old, AustraliaCommentAfter life had taken a hold of us all here in Australia with the colder weather upon us, two of the families finally managed to meet for our second session.
All were super excited to open the parcel from Ireland and see what our friends had sent. They were very impressed with the drawings but also with the information that they conveyed. They all started asking so many questions, which was great because that was exactly what today’s session was about!
After introducing different types of graphics and typography the group got to work on the question/s they wanted to ask. They all naturally began by drawing what their interests were and the question they wanted to ask their Irish friends came later in text form.
Due to the age range from 3 to 11 the questions varied from ‘Do you have Jellyfish in Ireland’, ‘Do you like swimming?’, ‘Do you like rain?’ and ‘Do you like monsters?’
Looking forward to the next session seeing what our friends have to say.
Amal Laala
The home schoolers in Geelong, Australia are making and sharing with the homeschoolers in Derreen, Ireland.

Finally we get to meet our art friends!
2018, 5 years old, 4 years old, Dear You Art Workshops, FinlandCommentPippurit, Mantelit, and Tigers have been making art and sending it to each other since January 2018. Pippurit and Mantelit are from Päiväkoti Pihapirtti in Kontula, Helsinki and the Tigers are from Your School in Olari, Espoo. After months of getting to know each other, themselves, and their surroundings, they got to meet to have a morning of making art together!
At first, everybody was a bit confused about the other group. Once we got inside and we heard Project 3 from the Pippurit and Mantelit and from the Tigers, everything started to come together. "Oh! That's my voice!" "I remember that!" "It was winter!".
We listened to the sound recordings we had made in March. As we listened, we could draw what we heard. After a while we introduced the possibility to collage using road maps of Finland.
One of the great things about this session was how listening to these recordings triggered many memories and ideas that we could then play off of each other in our small groups. For example, one of the groups started to think of boiled eggs as one of the recordings involved a bird. One artist drew snowflakes because at the time of the recording there was snow on the ground. Now it's spring time and everything is in bloom!
At the end of the session we had a mini-exhibition where everybody could display their artworks and tell about what they drew. Each small group was a mixture of the Pippurit, Mantelit, and Tigers. Everybody was so kind and welcoming to their new friends!
Thank you, Museum of Impossible Forms for hosting Dear You!
Have a great summer everybody!
With love,
The 5 year old artists at Päiväkoti Pihapirtti in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with the 5 year old artists from Your School in Espoo, Finland.
Tämä on kanssa aika hauska!
2018, 4 years old, 5 years old, FinlandComment(English below)
Talvi on jännää aikaa: välillä oli niin kylmä, ettemme päässeet ulos ja sitten hetkessä tuli suojasää. Pakkasella juostessa kenkämme narskui ja aurinko paistoi.
Suojasään jälkeen löytyi jäätä ja vettä. Loimme lunta ja rikoimme löytyneen jään, jään alta paljastui aarre: vettä!
Vettä ei voinut juoda, sitä varten on ruokavesi ja wichy-vesi. Onko vesillä eroja?
Pippurit, Mantelit, Teija ja Satu
Winter is an exciting time: at times it is really cold, so cold that we cannot go outside and then at times comes thawing of ice. When it is freezing, while walking there is crunching sounds and the sun shines.
After the thawing ice and water were found. We created snow and we broke the ice. Under the ice treasure was revealed: water!
We cannot drink this water. We have water for food and mineral water. How do the waters differ?
Pippurit, Mantelit, Teija and Satu
The 5 year old artists at Päiväkoti Pihapirtti in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with the 5 year old artists from Your School in Espoo, Finland.
In winter 2018 Dear You project in Kontula is supported by the Museum of Impossible Forms.
Olet inspiraatio!
2018, 4 years old, 5 years old, FinlandComment(English below)
Kun palasimme hiihtolomalta takaisin päiväkotiin, meitä odotti ihana posti: saimme kirjeen. Kirjekuoresta paljastui upeita piirustuksia meille meidän omista leikeistämme ja kiinnostuksen kohteista. Kiitos Tiikerit!
Nyt olemme itse viikon ajan piirtäneet ja värittäneet kuvia kaavapaperin läpi teistä Tiikeri-lapset. Se ei ollut kovin helppoa, mutta hyvin me selvisimme siitä. Saatte postia piakkoin!
yt. Pippurit ja Mantelit
When we returned to the daycare from the ski holiday, we had a wonderful package waiting for us: we received a package. The envelope had many amazing drawings, which came from our own jokes and interests. Thanks to the Tigers!
This week we have been painting and coloring pictures of the Tigers. It was not that easy, but we managed to make the artworks. You will receive mail soon!
Pippurit (gingerbreads) and Mantelit (almonds)
The 5 year old artists at Päiväkoti Pihapirtti in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with the 5 year old artists from Your School in Espoo, Finland.
In winter 2018 Dear You project in Kontula is supported by the Museum of Impossible Forms.
Using light and transparency to make art!
2018, 4 years old, 5 years old, Dear You Art Workshops, FinlandCommentUsing our friend's artwork as a direct inspiration for our artwork is a pure collaboration! At first, the Tigers were wondering how can we do that? How can we make something together with our friends when they live in Kontula? This was the first time the Tigers used tracing in their artwork and they did an excellent job!
When they finished tracing we had a talk about the original artwork- what was the photographer trying to say with their image? From that, the Tigers chose colors to try and bring that idea to life. We had a good discussion and compared the original artwork from their artwork they made.
Colors and lines, make such a difference even if it's coming from the same source. We learned how we can "say" what we mean.
Thank you for being such an inspiration for us!
Arlene, Floriin, Anna-Maria & The Tigers
The 5 year old artists at Your School in Espoo, Finland are making and sharing art with the 5 year old artists from Päiväkoti Pihapirtti in Helsinki, Finland.
Listen to the Tigers tell 'Joulupukki goes to India' and 'The Ice Cream Story 1'!
2017, 4 years old, 5 years old, Collective Art, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, USACommentWho wouldn't be in the creative mood with the smell and looks of these delicious handmade gingerbread cookies?!?! With these in the air of the Tiger's room, we got straight to making the art work for our Full Moon friends in Philadelphia!
We started by looking at all of the artworks they mailed us. This gave us inspiration for our stories. We got into two groups and worked together to come up with characters and an amazing story line. Have a listen!
These artists create and told the story of Joulupukki goes to India! ps. Joulupukki means Santa Claus in Finnish :).
Jumping with joy, the artists of The Ice Cream Story 1 say woo hoo!!
The Tigers are so grateful and happy they had this time to make and share art with you all! Thank you and we wish you a HAPPY HAPPY New Year!
With love,
Arlene & The Tigers
The Tigers from Your School Espoo, Finland are making and sharing with the Full Moons from Moonstone Preschool in Philadelphia, USA. Both groups are 4-5 years old.

"Banana Sonic Jellyfish Turkey"
2017, 4 years old, 5 years old, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, USACommentHey Tigers,
Please enjoy our covers. We greatly enjoyed weaving our old mural work into primary colored
foundations. We cut our first mural (the shadow one) into strips.
While we weaved we looked at woven baskets and pondered titles. In the end we all agreed to call the book, Banana Sonic Jellyfish Turkey.
Here is how we came to our title. Everyone who had a suggestion, suggested. Then we read off the suggested titles and collectively voted on our favorites. There was a three way tie for Banana, Sonic and Jellyfish. So we decided to have all three/ to make it fair, we rearranged these words in a variety of combinations.
Sonic Jellyfish Banana.
Jellyfish, Sonic, Banana.
Everyone, aside from three friends, thought Banana Sonic Jellyfish was the best title.
To accommodate, we asked our three friends what word they liked. One said, Turkey! (Because
we are celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow), everyone got excited, so it was added to the end.
Everyone loved it, it was unanimous.
Here were our other choices:
We are grateful to have this art pal friendship and the opportunity to share our work with you,
Johnny Buckley and the Full Moons
Moonstone Full Moons, 4-5 year olds from Moonstone Preschool in Philadelphia, PA, USA, are making and sharing art with the Tigers, 4-5 year olds from Your School in Espoo, Finland.
2017, 4 years old, 5 years old, Collective Art, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, USACommentWhen I got to Your School I was so happy to hear that another magical package from Moonstone Preschool in USA had arrived!! We opened it and pondered over the amazing questions the Full Moon artists posed to us. In short, YES! We like Halloween too!!
For this next project, Weaving Environments, we thought about how the art technique can support the idea symbolically, but also practically. Since the aim of this month's project was to make a book cover, we first talked about the title of our story. How do we unanimously decide on something when there are so many of us? For example, when our friend wants to play a different game from you, how do we come to a peaceful conclusion? The Tigers had so many lovely ideas such as take turns. Seeing that we are such a big group, we thought to take a vote, which is something the Tigers do in the classroom too.
Here are the many different ideas that the Tigers came up for the title of their story.
Everybody could have one vote. And the winner is Ladybugs!!
This was the first time the Tigers had a go at weaving. They all did an amazing job taking their time and making sure that they are going under and over when needed. They got very good at seeing where things need to be corrected, which is a big part when one is weaving. The artists could choose if they wanted to write the title 'Ladybugs' or draw ladybugs on the book cover.
I am so proud of them and they are of themselves, which is the most important part!!
We hope the Full Moons like our patterns, weavings, and book covers!
With love,
Arlene, The Tigers, Iveta, and Atefeh
The Tigers from Your School Espoo, Finland are making and sharing with the Full Moons from Moonstone Preschool in Philadelphia, USA. Both groups are 4-5 years old.
Questions lead to more questions
2017, 4 years old, 5 years old, China, Dear You Art Workshops, FinlandCommentThe Tigers really know how to create a welcoming and artistic environment! They had so many questions and things to share even before we got started with The art of asking questions project! This sort of excitement is the inspiration every artist looks for!
We started the session by first looking at the artworks we received from the Full Moons. WOW!! We talked about what their pictures were communicating and was wondering about all sorts of things about our new friends. The questions started pouring out so we made a long list and then founds ways to put image to the text.
Some wonderful questions and explanations of the Tigers' pictures:
Vanessa asked, "What countries have you been to?" She drew a picture of the world.
Olivia drew a house because she asked, "Where do you live?"
Rishitha asked, "When is your birthday?" In the picture, "there are fireworks and my birthday."
Mikelis asked, "Where do you live?" He said, "I drew the house. I drew a mother house with a wheel on the top of another house."
Nea asked, "What is your favorite food?" She drew a picture of pasta.
Cride asked, "Do you like to go swimming?" and drew a swimming pool.
Achu asked, "Who is your friend?" "I drew a friend who is having a birthday."
Oskari asked, "What is your favorite shirt?" "I drew my favorite shirt!"
Erik asked, "What do you like to play?" "My favorite toy is a castle. It's at home."
Aapo asked, "Do you like shark tornadoes?"
Arn asked, "What is your favorite shirt?"
Renu asked, "What does your room look like?" "It's a picture of my room."
Joann asked, "What is your favorite color?" "Rainbow!"
Anton asked, "What do you like to play?" "What do you do when you are outside?"
We also came up with MORE questions!
What do you watch? What house were you in when you were small? Do you have a tv?
We hope you like our artwork! We like yours a lot!!
Our best,
The Tigers, Arlene, Iveta, and Atefeh
The Tigers from Your School Espoo, Finland are making and sharing with the Full Moons from Moonstone Preschool in Philadelphia, USA. Both groups are 4-5 years old.