Happy Spring Everyone!
We are happy to share our “Sounding our Surroundings” products with us! We enjoyed collecting some leaves before we start to it. Then we focused on sounds we hear while we are sitting or playing in the garden.
After that we started our Project at the tables and try to focus on sounds around us. When we hear noise we preferred to paint fast, when we hear quite sounds we paint slow.
We also change our painting styles depending on sound level too. Such as some of us painted more circular when it is noisy and painted straight lines when it is quiet.
We enjoyed painting with the leaves and we hope you’ll like them as much as we do!
Warm regards,
Dynamic Dinosaurs.
The 4-5 year old Dynamic Dinosaurs from Açi Preschool in Istanbul, Turkey are making and sharing art with the artists from Praxis School in Mysore, India.