With joy these weeks we learned about a country very far away from us, South Korea. Its language, script, flag, location, etc. We talked about the differences we find between our different cultures and what makes us unique.
We talked about self-portraits, which is a way of expressing our physical characteristics through art. We learned about new techniques for transferring drawings, we loved it!
We discovered our fingerprints because they are unique! and we explore different ways to see them more clearly. We made a larger, textured transfer of our print. Now we can show everyone, which makes us so unique and special!
We really enjoyed it and are looking forward to learning about and seeing what our South Korean friends have created.
Art teacher Mercedes García Flores
The 6 and 7 year old artist from Sangsang jungle school in 제주도 (Jeju Island), Korea are making and sharing art with the 6 and 7 year olds from Peterson School Paseo in Ciudad de México, Mexico.