Dear You Art Project

Mail Art + Pen Friends = Dear You Art Project


나를 찾아. Finding me.

2023, KoreaArlene TuckerComment

‘나’를 찾아 떠나는 여정이 재밌기도 했고, 나의 행동, 습관, 모습들이 친구와  다름으로써 특별함으로 인정할수 있는 시간이었습니다. 더불어 친구의 모습또한 소중한 또다른 "너"로 볼 수 있는  존중하는 마음을 가질수 있는 시간이었습니다.

Who are you?

2021, 4 years old, IcelandArlene TuckerComment

I opened the first session connecting our group with yours by comparing the name of our respective kindergartens: Sólvellir for us, which means "sun", and The Little Mole for you. I said maybe your kindergarten is called that way after the famous Czech cartoon character, and I asked them what national character or cartoon we have here in Iceland, and as expected they thought of "Tulipop".