We took some time to listen to what the kids had to say about environmental problems they see in Seðisfjöður and in the world. In icelandic they are called „Vandamál heims“.
4th Grade
The Art of Words
2021, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Iceland, UkraineCommentInviting curiosity
10 years old, 11 years old, 13 year olds, 2021, 7th Grade, 6th Grade, 5th Grade, 4th Grade, IcelandCommentBoth groups are very curious and accept the invitations with curiosity to see what the others are doing, in the case of the self-portrait, the 4th grade group chose to take a photo and transfer to paper, the older group chose to do it freely. Within the self-portrait process we have gone out to look in nature for elements in which we feel represented.
Freedom of expression!
2021, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, China, USACommentArt inspired by the world around us
2021, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, China, Ukraine1 CommentWhat is uniqueness?
2020, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, United Kingdom, FinlandCommentThe thoughtful artistic process in Barcelona
10 years old, 11 years old, 2018, 4th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, SpainCommentThe artists at SOLC in Barcelona have shared their creative process of making a self-portrait. They sketched their ideas of what personality traits and things about themselves they would like to tell their new friends in Finland. Before they took their photographs they first experimented with the camera and found many different ways to play with the images.
Great job!
The 4th graders at Vesalan Peruskoulu in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with the 5th graders at Escola SOLC in Barcelona, Spain. Artists in both groups are 10-11 years old.

Looking at us through a lens
10 years old, 2018, 4th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, Spain, 11 years oldCommentThe artists at Vesalan peruskoulu in Finland are so excited to have new friends in Spain! We had a good discussion about languages and all the different ways we can communicate. In the group we have people who speak Finnish, Russian, Arabic, English, and probably many other languages, but we realized that art is a language too! And today we experimented with using photography as our medium!
Since this was the first project in getting to know our friends we first thought of things we like about ourselves and characteristics that we would like to share with them.
Then we experimented with photography! The characteristics we wanted to highlight guided our camera. Some of us went outside (in freezing cold weather!) to take the self-portraits while others used different techniques to spread their message such as drawing. In any case, the final work was a photographic self-portrait.
To round out the session we looked at some self-portraits from Nan Goldin, Josef Koudelka and Zev. Everybody could share their own perspectives on how that photographic spoke to them.
We look forward to seeing our friend's self-portraits!
The 4th graders at Vesalan Peruskoulu in Helsinki, Finland are making and sharing art with the 5th graders at Escola SOLC in Barcelona, Spain. Artists in both groups are 10-11 years old.

This is our story!
2017, 4th Grade, China, Collective Art, Dear You Art Workshops, United KingdomCommentWe had the most fun doing this project! The class really enjoyed looking at all of the images sent by the children in Jiangsu, China. They all chose different images as inspiration for their stories, working in pairs they told their stories to Heather, even making their own sound effects. Heather then chopped up their stories and put them together to make ‘their story’ and played it to them after they had just performed their Christmas play. They laughed a lot and enjoyed hearing their own voices!
I noticed that many of the stories encompassed the ideas embedded within the project…asking questions, making friends and reaching out to others. I would like to get the children to draw this story now and create a montage with the original images.
It was a perfect end to a fantastic project and I am sure that it is an experience that they will always remember. I have really enjoyed getting to know the children and going on this journey with them and you all! See you in 2018!
Thanks Dear You!
Heather Connelly
The artists in Class 4 (8-9 year olds) at Sneinton C of E St Stephens Primary School in Nottingham, England are making and sharing art with Grade 3 (9-10 year olds) at Taizhou Pheonix Primary School in Jiangsu, China.
Experimenting with experience
2017, 4th Grade, Canada, Dear You Art Workshops, RussiaComment

We experimented with light and shadows of various objects. We used flashlights, daylight, doc. camera light...... Unfortunately, there was no sun today and we couldn't experiment with the sun light. This is what the kids discovered:
- Shadows appear if there is a source of light. We experimented with flashlights to see the shadows of various objects around the classroom.
- The size of the shadows change depending on the distance of the object from the source of light
- Some students used the day light to see the shadows of real objects. They noticed a difference in shadows created by flashlight and daylight.
We learned how the light travels, what happens to the light when passing through objects. We will continue exploring shadows and light building rich imagination and creating our self-portraits. We are sending pictures from our class exploration on shadows.
They worked together, observed, tried, made errors and tried again which is huge experience in character building.
I can't wait to see what would their self-portraits look like.
Thank you!
Dance A-V
The 4th graders from Ryerson Public School in Cambridge, Canada are making and sharing art with the 10 years olds from Kepa School in Karelia, Russia.

Мы использовали фонарики, дневной свет, вспышку от фотоаппарата. К сожалению, солнца в тот день не было, поэтому не смогли поработать с солнечным светом.
Вот что нового наши дети узнали:
- Тень появляется, когда есть источник света. Мы рассмотрели тени от разных предметов в нашей классной комнате.
- Размер тень зависит от расстояния между источником света и предметом.
- Мы поговорили о различии между тенью от естественного и искусственного источника света.
Мы узнали, как свете перемещается сквозь предметы. Мы продолжаем изучать свет и тень, и создавать с их помощью свои автопортреты. Интересно, какие же они получатся!
Sounds around us!
2017, 4th Grade, 9 years old, Dear You Art Workshops, Canada, Russia, Vietnam, 10 years old1 CommentThis is how we see the sounds that surround us at different times of the day, month, year, our life. It is interesting to see the children becoming aware of and discovering the surrounding sounds. They talked about sounds they hear at night in their houses. Some of the sounds looked like tornado. They described and wondered about the sound of a falling star. They pictured the sounds at school, the school bus, and the sound of the quiet time before bed to create their triptychs.
Great conversations and lots of fun!
Thank you,
Dance A. Vasileska
Вот так мы видим звуки, которые окружают нас в разное время дня, месяца, года и нашей жизни. Интересно наблюдать, как дети начинают обращать внимание и открывать для себя звуки вокруг. Они говорили о звуках, которые слышат ночью у себя дома. некоторые напоминали торнадо. Они описали и попытались представить себе звук падающей звезды. На триптихах они изобразили звуки в школе, в школьном автобусе и тихие звуки вокруг перед сном.
Dance A. Vasileska
The 4th graders from Ryerson Public School in Cambridge, Canada are making and sharing art with the 10 years olds from Kepa School in Karelia, Russia.

Venturing with the artists at Viertola School!
2016, 4th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Finland, CanadaCommentFor our 4th meeting in Viertola School, in Vantaa I had prepared a slideshow of different modes of transportation. The images inspired us to think how these machines work, and we discussed ways to travel to places, for humans and fish, birds, and animals. Looking at inventions such as child seat on a bicycle or a sleeper train, we talked about journeys we take on our own and with a friend.
The artists talked about their own travel experiences. Some travel home to a different country almost every weekend!
Reflecting on the collective piece of art the artists created
Recycled materials worked well, I was very pleased to see students sharing materials with one another and creatively approach not only the design of the machine, but also of the environment around it. One artist even changed the “Air, Land, Water” to “Past, Present and Future”, to suit his time-travelling apparatus.
As the artists were finishing their work, we gathered around the table in a Dear You corner that Kirsti had created, displaying artworks and letters from our friends, and talked about the scratch art homes that had just arrived from Canada. We had some exciting discussions in small groups, trying to guess where each of our friends’ character lives. Thank you for sharing art with us, teacher Dance and your wonderful students!
Artworks from their friends at Ryerson PS in Ontario, Canada
Anastasia, Kirsti, and 4A class of Viertola School
The 4th graders from Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland are making and sharing with the 4th graders from Ryerson PS in Ontario, Canada.
Spiraling their way from Canada to Finland!
2016, 4th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Canada, FinlandCommentWe received the spirals and shared them the class. It was interesting to watch the kids guessing the day/night side of the spirals.
Our art is on the way. The characters are traveling using different kinds of transportation.
Our spirals (project #3) should arrive at the same time with the project #4 (different kinds of transportation). The kids wrote letters in English. There was a group of students who were eager to write in Finnish Language. They used Google Translator. We are not sure about the accuracy of our translation, but I am proud of the kids who came up with this idea.
Dance Agapieva-Vasileska
Grade 4
Ryerson PS
Dear You art project, Look around
The 4th graders from Ryerson PS in Ontario, Canada are making and sharing art with the 4th graders from Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland.
Looking at Vincent van Gogh's and William Turner's works for inspiration!
2016, 4th Grade, Canada, FinlandCommentWe began the 90min meeting with 4A class in Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland by reading out reflection and feedback from teacher Dance and her wonderful students in Ontario. I feel that it is always important for the young artists to know that their art appreciated and valued.
Preparing for the worksop, I found the suggestion to demonstrate artworks depicting different kinds of environments to the children very helpful. Together we looked at works by Vincent van Gogh and William Turner, and discussed how these artists captured their worlds. We talked about how light, colour and brushstrokes can tell us about the weather, time of the day and the season in the landscape.
Here is our work-in-progress, both side of the circles before they were cut into spirals. A combination of pencils and markers encouraged the creation of some very vibrant worlds. However, some of the characters live in outer space, and day there is not much different to night. (A little bit like Finland right now)
Thank you to Kirsti and Viertolan Koulu for welcoming me again. Can't wait to see the art we get from Ontario!
- Anastasia Artemeva
The 4th graders from Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland are making and sharing with the 4th graders from Ryerson PS in Ontario, Canada.
Flying homes on their way from Finland to Canada!
2016, 4th Grade, 9 years old, Dear You Art Workshops, Dear You Workshop Leader, Canada, FinlandCommentOur homes are on their way to Canada!
Young artists from 4A in Viertolan Koulu, Vantaa, Finland, are a real team of independent thinkers! Each artist created their own, unique home for their character. In some homes there were pets and flowers, a little bit like in the artists' own houses, while others were evidently created especially for Pockemons, horses and superheroes. Because of the small size of the paper, the secret houses look like postcards with a coded message.
Some of the young artists, encouraged by their wonderful class teacher Kirsti, had prepared personal letters addressed to their new friends. This is already the second letter they have written to the artists in Ryerson Public School in Cambridge, Canada. It is very inspiring to see different ways of communication that we can use to connect with each other.
Anastasia Artemeva
The 4th graders from Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland are making and sharing art with the 4th graders from Ryerson Public School in Cambridge, Canada.

Time to share!
2016, 4th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Canada, FinlandCommentWe are ready to share our characters with our partners - Grade 4 friends from V.K. in Vantaa! Their package arrived today and we really enjoyed the art work! I posted their characters on the glass window in our room. I am sending a picture for you to see how beautiful they are.
The kids are excited to draw and write to kids who are far away from their country. There were so many questions about Finland and predictions on the climate. Some of the students really took time to share details from their lives.
I am sending pictures that show the working process and finished art work. It has been a great experience so far and we can't wait for the next art idea!
Together with art,
Dance A. Vasileska
Ryerson PS
Cambridge, Ontario
The 4th graders from Ryerson PS in Ontario, Canada are making and sharing art with the 4th graders from Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland.

VK 4A Lights, Camera, Action!
2016, 4th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, Dear You Workshop Leader, Finland, CanadaCommentCharacters and superheroes from young artists in 4A class in Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland are on their way to Ryerson Public School in Cambridge, Canada!
We used oil pastels and overhead projector sheets to create the stain glass effect. At the end of the workshop the kids handed me a bunch of letters that they had written to their new friends personally. It was wonderful to see that Dear You project continues outside of our 90 minutes sessions. Together we wrote the names of the young artists and names of their characters next to each other, so it will easier to match artworks from this and following projects as the Autumn session continues.
The pace and the structure of our meetings are always important to me. As we use English as the main language of communication, with the help of the class teacher translating to Finnish and other languages, the initial discussion and the explanation of the project at the beginning always takes some time. This is enjoyable time for everyone, to think and imagine together.
Then I make sure everyone has their materials ready, and for the second half of the session, the young artists just work independently, at their own pace, asking question if needed. My favourite part is when we have 5 minutes left, and everyone brings their works to the table at the front of the class, to admire each others' creations before placing them in one big envelope.
Looking forward to our next meeting!
Anastasia Artemeva
The 4th graders from Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland are making and sharing art with the 4th graders from Ryerson Public School in Cambridge, Canada.

Contrasting colours and bringing friends together
2016, 4th Grade, 9 years old, 10 years old, Canada, MexicoCommentThis is my first year participating in a global art project. It is amazing to work at such a distance. The kids learned about stained glass being a decorative design made from pieces of glass in a different colour (contrasting colour). We emphasized the importance of the ''black lines" that separate the pieces creating a mosaic.
Today we just created pieces of stained glass using parchment paper. We discussed our favourite characters and the kids will pick and begin working on their sketches this week. I am sending few pictures for you to see our work.
There are great discussions going on while picking their characters. What a great time in the classroom.
Thank You!!!!!
Dance Agapieva-Vasileska
The 4th graders from Ryerson Public School in Cambridge, Canada are making and sharing art with the 4th graders from Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland.

I can see so many things from my backyard
2015, 4th Grade, Dear You Art Workshops, USA, FinlandCommentThe children used colored pencil to create a landscape of the view from the back of their house, the front of their house or the their school. They were told to blend the colored pencils and work quickly with big strokes and pressing hard. We wrote a quick message and folded them like a screen that could be put behind their puppet and pop-up stage. So the background drawing is the environment where they live.
Kathleen Finan
Kathleen Finan, the art teacher at Amy Parks Heath Elementary School in Texas, USA, and her 4th Grade students are making and sharing art with the 4th Graders from Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland.
Let's go to Texas! How are we going to get there?
4th Grade, 2015, Dear You Art Workshops, Dear You Workshop Leader, Finland, USACommentDuring our last session in Vantaa, we talked about how far Texas was, and what are different ways we can get there. We discussed how different types of transport function, what are their essential elements - wings, wheels, steering, motor, etc, and what spaces they need - water, air, road surface. The artists suggested combining several vehicles to make the most efficient and environmentally friendly machines. From the cutout shapes, some with elements made from the leftover paper, the kids made hybrid submarines, steel traveling animals, and a jumping automobile, besides a few Finnair and one Emirates airplanes. Together we added important things like Start and Stop buttons!
Greeting from the Emerald Isle,
A xxx
Anastasia Artemeva is the Dear You Workshop Leader for the 4th grade class at Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland. They are making and sharing art with Kathleen Finan's 4th graders at Heath Amy Parks Heath Elementary School in Heath, Texas, USA.