The Owls at Little Mole really enjoyed painting sounds and chose to use different marking tools and different colors.
Sneighnten CofE's Layers of Love!
2016, 1st Grade, 5 years old, 6 years old, Mexico, United KingdomCommentThese are the responses from the children -
I liked all the different colours
I liked scraping all the black was like magic!
It surprised me how good it came out
The colours look like he is under the sea, it looks amazing. just like he is under the sea!
I liked making the patterns
Wow...the is amazing, I am going to do this at home
The children love love loved this project!!
Nina Evans
The 5 and 6 year olds in Class 1 from Sneinton C of E Primary School in Nottingham, UK are making and sharing art with the 5 and 6 year olds in Prepri C from Colegio San Patricio in Monterrey, Mexico.
Dynamic Dinosaurs sound their surroundings!
2016, 4 years old, 5 years old, India, TurkeyCommentHappy Spring Everyone!
We are happy to share our “Sounding our Surroundings” products with us! We enjoyed collecting some leaves before we start to it. Then we focused on sounds we hear while we are sitting or playing in the garden.
After that we started our Project at the tables and try to focus on sounds around us. When we hear noise we preferred to paint fast, when we hear quite sounds we paint slow.
We also change our painting styles depending on sound level too. Such as some of us painted more circular when it is noisy and painted straight lines when it is quiet.
We enjoyed painting with the leaves and we hope you’ll like them as much as we do!
Warm regards,
Dynamic Dinosaurs.
The 4-5 year old Dynamic Dinosaurs from Açi Preschool in Istanbul, Turkey are making and sharing art with the artists from Praxis School in Mysore, India.
We are all together!
2016, 4 years old, 5 years old, Dear You Art Workshops, South Africa, VietnamCommentLamees, the teacher in the classroom introduced the project during circle time while discussing the weather. We stopped and heard a bit of wind. I asked if they could hear it. We described it as the wind was crashing against the classroom. I told the children instead of using paint brushes, what else can they find in the garden and the first thing they went to was the trees. The colors of the week are green and yellow so we kept in with our theme.
The children were asked to go out into the school grounds and have a look to see what materials they could use / find which are different to what we would normally use in the classroom environment. The children looked around and
brought back pegs, sticks, leaves, twigs from around the school property and instead of using normal powder paint they decided to use food colouring.
The children loved the new and different way of painting and had a ball with the different leaves and colors.
My Toddler Class this morning decided that they also wanted to be included in the latest art project, so we let them experiment. The children in the Toddler class range in age from 19 months to 3 years of age.
The 3-6 year olds at Oakdale Montessori School in Cape Town, South Africa are making and sharing art with the Tigers, 4-5 year olds from Just Kids School in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Patterns from South Africa!
2016, 4 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old, Dear You Art Workshops, South AfricaCommentAll the children were introduced to the theme during circle time. My teachers explained to the children that our skin is made up of cells and that our finger prints are all different. The children were asked to describe what they can see on their skin and fingers. Some children mentioned that we have holes in our skin were the hair comes out, others mentioned that we have lines and creases on our hands and feet. We told the children that their hands and feet are unique and the children compared their hands with the person sitting next to them in the circle.
The teachers explained that we are going to decorate a mask using the patterns we see on our skin, hands and feet. The children decided to use ear buds, sponges and the back of paint brushes to try and make up the patterns. We used food colouring/dye for this exercise not paint.
On the back of each mask is the childrens name, date of birth and Pink for girls and Blue for boys.
Lots of fun was had by staff and the children – we cannot wait to start the next project. The parents have been informed about the initiative in our weekly newsletter and are very supportive of this fantastic idea.
Kind Regards,
The 3-6 year olds at Oakdale Montessori School in Cape Town, South Africa are making and sharing art with the Tigers, 4-5 year olds from Just Kids School in Hanoi, Vietnam.